The Best Podcasts of 2019
It will come as no surprise, I like radio and podcasts. So here are a few from the last year that I love and recommend you get your ears around too.
Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend
For me, this was my Monday morning commute for a lot of 2019, then it transitioned into my Monday night gym listen. The premise is simple; late night legend Conan O'Brien has interviewed thousands of people on his shows for the last 25 years, and while they act like his friend on TV, do they want to be his friend in real life? It’s a fairly flimsy facade that the host himself mocks regularly, but the interviews and discussions O'Brien has are genuine and hilarious. It has everything you want from an entertainment interview podcast. A genuinely engaged and intelligent host who doesn’t interrupt and can bring laughter into every single conversation; mixed with Zoo format banter at the top and tail with two sidekicks that aren’t afraid to poke fun at the host and each other. It never fails to make me smile or inspire my day.
Average Time: 1hr
Recommended Epp: Tina Fey/ Michelle Obama/ Stephen Colbert
This podcast does two things for me. It keeps me informed about the ongoing machinations of Brexit (and for a time the UK Parliamentary election) and it feeds the part of my soul that is a massive geek for news, journalism and broadcasting in general. The setup involves the four main contributors discussing the UK's exit from the EU. the team of four are split into two teams of two. One team, Laura Kuenssberg (BBC Political Editor) and Chris Mason (BBC Political reporter) cover the UK side of the story from Westminster while Katya Adler (BBC’s Europe Editor) and Adam Fleming (BBC Brussels Correspondent) give the European perspective. It makes the usually complex and heated topic easy to understand and it’s a fun listen. The contributors take the subject seriously, but not themselves.
Average Time: 25-40min
Recommended Epp: Brexitcast: Brexit Through The Carpark
Intrigue, Tunnel 29
In a world where there are 4 podcasts per head of population, in order to cut through it needs to be very unique or very good, or both. Tunnel 29 from the Radio 4 brand intrigue is exceptional. 2019 marks 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall and as it stood for over 28 years there are so many tragic and poignant stories that could be told from its its existence. This monumental piece of storytelling by producer Helen Meriman follows the tail of Joachim Rudolph, who escaped from East Berlin into the safety and freedom of the West, only to dig a tunnel back. As storytelling goes, I can say with some confidence that it’s one of the most engaging and enthralling productions I’ve ever listened to. So much is packed into each episode but it’s so easy to follow. Helen effortlessly moves the story along, introducing new characters and themes, less like a narrator and more like a tour guide, audibly gesturing to one exhibit as you pass, highlighting its importance while moving you into the next narrative room. I was completely sold on this when, while walking for my train, I felt nervous and scared about the fate of a character that I gasped loudly, much to the concern of the person passing by me on Dumbarton Road. Audio at it’s best.
As well was the podcast, there was an interactive board made for the BBC News site that accompanies the podcast with all of the pictures described, putting names to faces for the audience.
Average Time: 15-20min
Recommended Epp: All of it!
The pod that is political conversation about the latest goings on at Holyrood and Westminster as told by BBC Scotland journalists, it’s as simple as that. I really enjoy Podlitical, it’s pitched just right for a young politically engaged audience and accepts that everyone involved is a current affairs geek, then leans into it. It’s also a good laugh, that’s one of the things I find most appealing about it, that and it’s Scottish, about the Scottish Parliament and where Scotland fits in the view of UK wide stories.
Average Time: 25-35 min
Recommended Epp: BONUS: Indyref 5th Anniversary Special
Drunk Therapy
This is a bunch of toxic, mean, unfunny and problematic men… and I couldn't love them any more. Drunk Therapy is Cheyne, Danny and James and between them over the course of an episode have had me laughing, crying and angry at them. They get together, have a drink and talk sh*t, occasionally with well-known guests and friends. No topic is off limits it would seem and no one is above getting the pi*s ripped out of them. But banter aside, there are a number of genuine conversations had about life, mental health and addiction that more young men should be having and the style of Drunk Therapy is hopefully appealing enough to get them through the door. Give it a listen and tell your friends.
Average Time: 40-50 Minutes
Recommended Epp: Salad Tossing with Chris Quilietti
Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me
Far be it from me to suggest that topical comedy quiz shows are the best thing going but hey, it's my name on the door here. Wait Wait has hit a big milestone this year broadcasting their 1000th episode. It's a staple of Saturday afternoon listening in the United States and has found an international audience as a podcast, for me It's the Sunday afternoon train journey and I never miss it. It’s place in the NPR canon of programs is solid and while the rest of the station is straight down the line in it’s delivery of the news WWDTM plays it’s role of smart-alleck younger brother with glee. Always funny, always irreverent.
Average Time: 50 Min
Recommended Epp: 'Wait Wait' For July 27, 2019 With Not My Job Guest Marin Alsop
My Dad Wrote A Porno
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, MDWAP has been consistently hilarious and cringeworthy. As it enters into its 5th year with a second world tour, book and TV special it’s is the archetypal success story. There have been doubts expressed that as the books go on there is little that can shock a devoted listener and a worry, that was even mentioned on the show itself, that as they move on to books that were written by would-be Shakespeare Rocky Flinstone after the podcast began, it could get meta or even too self aware to be funny. However this has not happened, in my opinion. Like every series there are some chapters that are better than others but every now and again there are moments of pure hilarity that still leave me holding in laughter at the bizarre prose of a bizarre book.
Average Time: 25-35 min
Recommended Epp: Clean as A Whistleblower
Other Notable Entries
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