Edinburgh Festivals
All of the things I do at the Edinburgh Festivals and Fringe, for Broadway Baby, the BBC and The Ginger Guy.
The Ginger Guy
Broadway Baby
40 Years of NewsRevue in Edinburgh
Daniel Lobell: “Sugar is the Least Cool Drug”
First Impressions with Christina Bianco
Fearless Players on being Fringe Heroes
James Barr Just Want’s To Be The Avocado that Gets Picked
Joe Sutherland hates reviewers who come on the first Thursday of the Fringe
Broadway Baby Does Meet The Media 2019
Is there a place for Podcasts at the Fringe?
Overheard At The Fringe
Army @ The Fringe
Five Hit Improv Shows Returning To the Fringe This Year
Armour’s Shonagh Murry and Lydia Davidson on Giving a Voice to the Women Behind Robert Burns
Halfway through the Edinburgh Festivals, we're not dead yet, but here are some tweets that only make sense in Edinburgh in August.